

原全国政协委员 少林五形八法拳研究会名誉会长





自1975年担任海淀区体育运动委员会武术主教练以来,从初创武术队到北京市具有实力的运动队期间的训练、学习、竞赛,开始了近三十年的专业武术教学生涯。先后为优秀运动队输送了多名运动员,部分运动员参加国际、国内重大武术比赛获金牌,被评为国家武英级运动员。其执教的青少年武术运动队,由于科学指导、严格执教,运动员多次参加北京市武术比赛获团体优秀奖,到2000年左右所训运动员各项所获金牌总数约168枚,一大批运动员获国家一级、二级运动员称号。在海淀区体育运动委员会荣获特等奖。1982年在各方支持推荐下,代表北京队首次将家学公诸于世,其“少林五形八法拳”在“全国武术观摩交流大会”上(古城西安)荣获优秀奖金牌。同年,受北京大学团委、学生会邀请,组建首届北大武协并任教练组组长。在(秦庆丰老师提出)让“中国传统武术走进大学校门,赋予它新的、科学的生命。”理念指引下,随之聘请著名武术家周尊佛、李子鸣、吴图南、马礼堂诸位老先生担任北大武协名誉会长及名誉顾问;并由秦庆丰先生组建(五大门派)教练组,分别传授:少林、形意、八卦、太极、散手;北大武协像一面旗帜,80年代初,对推动中国武术在国内外的发展产生了重大影响,并得到国家体委、中国武术研究院的大力支持。秦庆丰先生相继历任北京大学、北京外国语大学、北京科技大学、北京理工大学、首都师范大学(计算机学院)等高等院校武术协会教练组组长、顾问、名誉会长等。近四十年来,少林五形八法拳研究会相继接纳美国、日本、韩国、英国、俄罗斯、印度尼西亚、法国、马来西亚、刚果、德国、瑞士、立陶宛、比利时、丹麦、挪威等国家的武术爱好者、教练学习组及武术专修人员和团队。系统传授武术理论、教学训练法、防卫技术、传统功法。秘传拳术,许多人学成回国后成为武术骨干、理论研究者和组织者。80年代后又相继传授女儿秦嘉艺(曾荣获北京市青少年武术女子全能冠军)及国内外众弟子数千人。三十年后又受聘于清华大学、中国农业大学、北京体育大学、中国传媒大学等首都高校传授“秦门武学”。 从1975年9月全国第三届全运会武术比赛开始至1995年期间多次担任国内外武术、太极拳、剑等赛场执裁和裁判长职务。1988年举办北京市教练员个人学术展。1989年至1991年,应聘担任《新体育》杂志社主办的“全国少林十大功法函授班”主讲。1990年10月建立“北京市武协少林五形八法拳研究会”,同时邀请沈醉先生(全国政协委员)、爱新觉罗-溥杰先生(全国人大常委)担任本研究会名誉会长及名誉顾问。1991年秦庆丰先生代表中国参加在日本冲绳举行的中日武术交流大赛,“少林五形八法拳”荣获一等奖。1993年7月,毕业于北京体育运动技术学院运动专业。同年,应邀赴日本讲学获中国武术资深专家《感谢状》,并在日本(东京)NHK电视台演播教学。多次受邀与中央电视台、北京电视台合作,担任中国传统武术和青少年儿童、武术训练专题节目主讲;同年,被评为优秀知识分子,并晋升为国家武术高级教练。1994年8月,受邀出席在大连举行的第十三届国际运动医学大会并宣读论文《中国古<易筋经>对其康复医学及运动恢复作用》,受到大会高度评价。1995年5月,参加“首届中国舞龙大赛”担任场上执行裁判。1997年,被评为北京市先进教练员。1998年,担任“全国少数民族传统体育运动会”武术赛区副总裁判长。2003年晋升为国家级社会体育指导员。2004年离开训练工作一线,经过严格考核面试,最终受聘进入国际文化交流领域,从事传统文化研究与教学工作(研究室专项课题:武术与中国传统文化;中国古文字与书法艺术;中国古陶瓷与美学艺术)。工作之余,十分注重对中国武术史、古兵器、武术训练学、近身搏斗、家庭防暴自卫、武术基础功法、中医针灸学、武术点穴按摩、气功学、中老年长寿康复医学功法的研究,并综合世界各国拳术(拳击、空手道、截拳道、柔道、泰国拳、跆拳道、自由搏击、防卫术、捕俘术、剑道、格斗术、擒拿、特警技术等)进行系统技术分析和学术研究。2007年被授予“中国当代武术家武术贡献奖”。





A Brief Introduction to Master Qin Qingfeng

Master Qin Qingfeng, who has an ancestral origin from Anhui Province, was born in Beijing in 1949. He graduated from Beijing College of Sports in 1993, majoring in athletic training. Currently, Qin is the holder of a number of eminent professional titles: Senior Coach of Chinese Kungfu, State-class Social Sports Instructor, and 8th Dan Master of Chinese Kungfu. Qin was Member?of the 4th, 5th and 6th?Haidian District Committees for Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in 1991-2004.

As a prominent inheritor of Qin-family Kungfu tradition and a representative figure of northern-style Shaolin Boxing, Qin founded the Shaolin Five Animals and Eight Methods Boxing Institute in 1990, and has served as its Chairman since then. He also holds other posts in relation to Kungfu and cultural promotion activities, including: Honorary Chairman of Russian Federation for Shaolin Five Animals and Eight Methods Boxing, Honorary Chairman of Belgian College of Chinese Kungfu, Honorary Chairman of World Fighting Association, and so forth.

Master Qin started to practise Kungfu at the age of 8, and began to inherit his family tradition (i.e. Qin-family Kungfu tradition) when he turned 14, under the strict supervision of his father Qin Tieying, who had been a member of Chinese Revolutionary League, as well as an army officer and Kungfu tutor at the former Baoding Military Academy. The Qin family Kungfu tradition encompasses a range of combatting skills training and weaponry use, known as “Two Sets, Three Methods, and Nine Weapons.” “Two Sets” refer to Chinese esoteric longevity Kungfu and 10 fundamentals of Shaolin Boxing; “Three Methods” include Shaolin Guardian Warrior Combat Skills, Shaolin Eighteen Buddhist Saints Skills, and Shaolin Five Forms and Eight Methods Combat Skills; and “Nine Weapons” mean the mastery of nine weapons, namely Shaolin Zhenshan (mountain shake) Staff, Shaolin Ziwei (Polaris) Club, Jinchui (gold hammer) Spear, Guardian Warrior Broadsword, Guardian Warrior Sword, Tilu (suspension censer) Spear, Thirteen Grand Guardian Long-handle Sword, Qin’s Sword, and Self-defense Dagger. In 1982, Qin publicly demonstrated his family Kungfu with a magnificent show of Shaolin Five Forms and Eight Methods Boxing at the Xi’an National Wushu Expo, and was highly awarded the Gold Medal. Nine years later, in 1991, he won the First Prize again at the Sino-Japanese Kungfu Exchanges Competition held at Okinawa, Japan.

For nearly 30 years starting from 1975, Qin had been serving as the Chief Coach of Chinese Kungfu at the Haidian District Commission of Sports of Beijing. Characteristically intensive and rigorous, Qin’s training program turned out a bunch of outstanding athletes in state sports teams, who, as of the year 2000, had won a total of 168 gold medals at domestic and international Kungfu competitions. Some trainees were honored with titles of national first-grade or second-grade athletes, while others attained the national Wuying award, the highest level of Kungfu athletes. His daughter Qin Jiayi, too, claimed the women’s all-around championship for Juvenile Wushu Competition in Beijing. For his distinctive contributions, Qin received a special award from Haidian District Commission of Sports, and was granted with a list of titles and awards such as Excellent Intellectual, Distinguished Coach of Beijing, etc.

In 1982, Master Qin founded the first Peking University Wushu Association, jointly with the Youth League and the Students’ Union of Peking University. Upholding the idea of “bringing traditional Chinese Kungfu to universities to give it a new life,” Qin, as Chief Coach, spent a couple of years teaching Shaolin Five Forms and Eight Methods Boxing. Serving on the Association were also some famous Kungfu masters like Zhou Zunfo, Li Ziming, Wu Tunan, Ma Litang, and others. During the period, masters from five major sects of Chinese Kungfu were organized into a coach team, teaching Shaolin Boxing, Xingyi Boxing, Bagua Boxing, Taiji Boxing, and Free Sparring, respectively. The emergence of Peking University Wushu Association marked a milestone event in the early 1980s, producing tremendous influence on the development of Chinese Kungfu at home and abroad. Later, Qin was appointed as Kungfu Coach at Tsinghua University, Beijing Sport University, Communication University of China, Beijing Foreign Languages University, etc., where thousands of Kungfu fans, practitioners, specialists and coach teams from the US, Japan, South Korea, the UK, Russia, Indonesia, France, Malaysia, Congo, Germany, Switzerland, Lithuania, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, and other countries were taught and trained under his guidance. With the unique charm and bond of Kungfu, Qin has successfully provided a bridge of friendship between China and other countries, and has delivered the light and wisdom of 5000-year Chinese civilization to the rest of the world.

Upon retirement in 2004, Qin began to shift his focus to the spheres of traditional Chinese culture and international cultural exchanges. Many of his calligraphic works have won gold medals or first prizes in nationwide calligraphy competitions, and are preserved in the Buddhist Association of China, institutions, museums, groups and individuals. A substantial part of his earnings (RMB500,000) was donated to Project Hope (Poverty Kid Education Program) and Traditional Chinese Wushu Foundation, the first of its kind ever established in the country. He also visited a dozen poverty-stricken areas across China, providing training courses to more than 300 sports teachers. Qin’s efforts were so widely appreciated that he was granted by China Youth Development Foundation with the award of “Outstanding Contributions to Project Hope.”

Currently, Qin serves as Honorary Chairman of the Qin Qingfeng Wushu Culture Institute, which is dedicated to the theoretical research and practical training of Qin-family Kungfu tradition. The 70-year-old Qin is still making his effort in the inheritance and dissemination of Qin-family Kungfu tradition and northern-style Shaolin Boxing.

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